Well, the Sacred Writing in the Chapter of Exodus 20,3-6 says: ' ' It does not have other Deuses of me ahead. It does not make for you dolos, no representation of what it exists in the sky and the land, or the waters that are underneath of the land. Not if prostre ahead of this Deuses, nor serves they, because, I Jav its God, I am a jalousie God: They hate when me, punishment the guilt of the parents in the children, grandsons and greats-grandson; but they love when and they keep me my orders, I them treatment with love for a thousand geraes' '. We see that the only true God is that one that frees of the slavery, stops of the freedom and life. It only can give orientaes so that the man conserves the freedom and the life, and does not come back to be enslaved.
He is clearly that there he says yourself of statues of ' ' deuses' '. This stretch of the Bible is of the time where the Hebrews lived surrounded of heathen peoples who constructed and adored statues of the most varied deuses. Deuses in strange forms: of bull, of sheep, eagle and even of cachorros. He was therefore, necessary to prevent that the Hebrews imitated these heathen ones thus and the verdedeiro God renegassem. We see this when they had made this when adoring a gold year-old calf (Former 32,1-8).
The statues are not valid nothing for the substances of that they are made, same being of gold. They are valid for the examples of life of these friends of God who they represent and remember. The Saints are part of the great family human being. The same God, in the same book of the Exodus where he forbids that images are made, orders Moiss to make two querubins of gold and to place them over the Coffer of the Alliance (Former 25, 18-20).